Non sembra vero, ma la scuola sta per finire. E con la scuola finiscono anche tutte le altre attività: dallo sport alla musica fino ad arrivare ai corsi di inglese è tutto un salutarsi e fare festa. Oggi vogliamo suggerirvi alcune canzoni di fine scuola in inglese, utili sia alle maestre di lingua delle scuole (dell’infanzia e primaria), che alle animatrici di camp e corsi di inglese.

Con le canzoni l’inglese si impara meglio e divertendosi, volete provare a cantare insieme ai vostri bimbi? Ecco cosa abbiamo trovato in rete.

LEGGI ANCHE: come fare un cappello da diplomato

Canzoni di fine scuola in inglese adatte ai bambini più piccoli

Cominciamo con qualcosa di adatto ai bimbi in età prescolare, che nella scuola dell’infanzia o in qualche corso pomeridiano imparano l’inglese. Ecco una canzoncina di arrivederci che può essere adatta sia alla fine dell’anno scolastico, che a salutarsi al termine della lezione.

Goodbye Song

It’s time to go home (3x)
It’s time to say “Goodbye”
I had so much fun
and you had so much
we all had so much fun
and now we say “Goodbye”

Goodbye, goodbye
see you again

Thank You (Patty Shukla)

Two little words
Two little words
Two little words
Not good bye

It’s the end of the year
Graduation is here
Our two little words
To our Teachers, Moms, Dads, Grandparents and All

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you everyone
Thank you for all you’ve done
Thank you, thank you, thank you everyone
Thank you for all you’ve done

You taught us to read and write
You taught us to learn
You told us it’d be alright
And how to take our turn

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you everyone
Thank you for all you’ve done
Thank you, thank you, thank you everyone
Thank you for all you’ve done

You helped us to tie our shoes
Learn shapes and colors too
There’s so many things you do
We just want to say

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you everyone
Thank you for all you’ve done
Thank you, thank you, thank you everyone
Thank you for all you’ve done

Canzoncina forse un po’ più difficile, ma molto carina, perfetta per la fine del ciclo di scuola dell’infanzia. Il video è in stile Karaoke, con anche i gesti spiegati.

Canzoni in inglese per fine scuola primaria

LEGGI ANCHE: canzone dei remigini e altre canzoni per la fine dell’anno scolastico 

Day-O Time to Go Home

Day-O — Day-ay-ay-O. We had fun but it’s time to go home.
Day, we say Day-O. We had fun but it’s time to go home.

Play all day until the afternoon come.
Refrain: We had fun but it’s time to go home.

Read a book and we run in the sun. Repeat Refrain

Come everybody tell me about your day. Repeat Refrain

Tomorrow will be another very special day. Repeat Refrain

It’s six steps, seven steps, eight steps, OUT! Repeat Refrain

We leave our school and then we SHOUT! Repeat Refrain

Day, we say Day-O. Repeat refrain

Day, we say Day, we say Day, we say Day. Repeat refrain

A beautiful day, a happy time, Repeat Refrain

we sang some songs and we made some rhymes. Repeat Refrain

It’s six steps, seven steps, eight steps, OUT! Repeat Refrain

We leave our school and then we SHOUT! Repeat Refrain

Day, we say Day-O. Repeat Refrain

Day, we say Day, we say Day, we say Day. Repeat Refrain

Day-O – Day-O. Repeat Refrain

Day-O – Day-O. Repeat Refrain 3x

Simpaticissima canzoncina in inglese sulla fine della giornata scolastica, utile anche per uno spettacolo di fine anno scolastico e molto coinvolgente.

Goodbye Song

That spells goodbye

I can jump
I can run
I can stomp my feet
I can jump
I can run
I can sing

goodbye teachers
goodbye teachers
goodbye friends
goodbye friends
goodbye school
goodbye school
I’ll see you again
I’ll see you again

I can dance
I can clap
I can play guitar
I can dance
I can clap
I can sing

goodbye teachers
goodbye teachers
goodbye friends
goodbye friends
goodbye school
goodbye school
I’ll see you again
I’ll see you again

Goodbye, goodbye
Goodbye, goodbye